Eighth Post

This one’s rather short, but we do get a rare appearance from Tomozaki’s Imouto-san. (Well technically they’re both Tomozaki, but you get what I mean.)

Chapter 1 Part 6

Alright, that’s all it’s going to be for at least another week, as I’m going to be busy traveling. Sadly I’ll be slightly too early to pick up vol. 12 of oregairu, but perhaps I’ll have the time to drop by a bookstore in Tokyo and check out some other series. Going to have to be selective about it, though, it’s not like I’d be able to read particularly quickly (probably 30 hours for a LN in Japanese compared to 1.5 for an English TL’d version).

The next chapter part is the final one for Chapter 1, and is comparable in length to Part 5. After Chapter 1 is done I’m planning to take a break and finish reading what’s left of Volume 2.

Seventh Post

Hello, it might be a lot sooner than you expected, but here’s the next chapter part!

Chapter 1 Part 5

Halfway through TLing this, I realized that I keep confusing 日南 and 日南葵 (family name Hinami and full name Hinami Aoi). Had to do a bit of editing of the previous release to correct the mistakes I did in the references to her.

In my defense, they look pretty much the same when in that jumble of kanji, though… I just go auto pilot typing the full name out.

Anyway, putting that aside, there seems to be quite a bit of animosity towards the characters so far.

I guess this is one of the problems of translating one part at a time. It’s way too early to be making any judgement, and the picture is far from complete. The LN will move onto some of the more fun (or at least less rocky) stuff soon enough, though. I’d appreciate you reading on until the end.

After all, we’ve only just heard the first おにただ.

Sixth Post (お久しぶりだね)


Looks like I’ve unintentionally taken a rather extended break from working on this, but the important thing is I’m back.

Chapter 1 Part 4

Hope it reads alright. Circumstances meant that I worked on it rather intermittently, so the prose might not be too consistent.

I’ll be starting work on Part 5 asap to make up for things. As always, comments are appreciated.

Fifth Post

Part 3 of Chapter 1, finally completed! [Link]

I’ve also added the opening illustrations for Volume 1 here, but no translations as of yet. I’ve done transcriptions of the overlying text though, if that’s helpful.

Next chapter part will probably be in slightly over a week or so.


Please do leave a comment after reading, even if it’s just to bash the translation quality.

Translation can get a bit lonely…

UPDATE 27/08/2017: Apologies for the silence, I had a lot going on. Obviously I’ve gone way past the goal of “one week” by quite a bit. This week I should be relatively free to work on TLing, though.

Fourth Post

I’m in a bit of a hurry right now, so I’ll edit in the furigana and other nifty formatting when I get back later.

Chapter 1 Part 2

EDIT: formatting is now done.

Next part is about 18 pages of text and 2 pages of illustrations. Basically, longer than all of the previous TLs combined. Though it’s not really the length that’s important here, it really just depends on how many difficult sentences I find lurking between pages 26 and 45…

But, let’s aim for 1 week, shall we?

EDIT 2: One week was a bit optimistic. I’ve completed the initial draft, but there’s still a lot more work to be done and at least 2 pages worth of yet-to-be-deciphered Japanese grammar before I can get things in a readable state. So that the result isn’t complete ゴミ, it’s going to take me at least another week…

Second Post

But first release!

Project Page: https://learning2tl.wordpress.com/jaku-chara-tomozaki-kun/

Chapter 0: https://learning2tl.wordpress.com/jaku-chara-tomozaki-kun/level1-chapter-0/

One week for barely two and a half pages! I’d like to hope that I’ll progressively get faster, but at the very least, maybe my slow pace will prompt someone more experienced to pick this up.


I await any reviews and comments.

EDIT: Seems like someone replaced my description on novel updates with one from elsewhere. I don’t really mind (the source I used was the bit of text at the back of the book, which might be inappropriate for a synopsis, besides, it’s posted on the project page here anyway).

However, I feel like it’s very premature to give it the Harem tag at this stage. I’ve only read through Volume 1, though, so I can’t really tell. Certainly there are many bishoujos involved, but that alone is not a certain indication. Therefore, I won’t be removing that, but just be aware that I only consider the School Life and Romance (very very subtle only) tags to be correct at this point.

At the very least, if you’re expecting Harem shenanigans, that’s nowhere to be found in Vol 1. To me this is a bit like calling Oregairu harem from Vol 1 even when there were no clear indications of romantic interest (aside from Yui, mayyybe) as such at that point.

But, yep, that’s just what I think.